Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Forest and Trees

So, what's there to do in Davis County? I got a call from a well-meaning person today who thinks that our website ought to include a list of "The Top 100 things to do in the county".
Being a wise guy (not the Chicago mobster kind), I replied "Should we stop at 100?". Undeterred, she made an appointment to come in and tell me about 75 of them. I have to find the other 25 or more.
After the call, I did some research on the internet. There are a number of communities that do offer lists of things to do, places to eat and merchants to patronize. In each case, I thought they came up short, risked excluding one business while promoting another, or generally put some pretty lame stuff on their lists.. (like "make a paper airplane and throw it off Suchandsucha Bridge")
Depending on the season, there are dozens of things to do in Davis County. In fact, it's a little overwheming to even begin to list them.
Okay, here's one.... While on today, I came across a blog that dealt with kayaking on the Great Salt Lake. It's a great article about the lake, kayaking, birding, and it helped me to appreciate what's in my own backyard.
Sometimes the little things that we take for granted every day, are fascinating and exciting to others who may not be that familiar with them. Or for that matter, just because I'm not interested in pre-Cambrian fossils, doesn't mean that I shouldn't point them out to others.
Sufficiently chastened, there are a lot of trees to cover, describe and point out. Don't get overwhelmed in our Davis County forest of things to do!


Anonymous said...

Utah is such a great place for outdoor recreation - great blog! You should check out my recreation blog....

All Access Recreation Blog

Anonymous said...

There are actually quite a few things to do outdoors in Davis County - I was pleasantly surprised! :)

All Access Recreation Blog